DEREN is a Polish manufacturer of Entrance Doors, Interior Doors as well as Windows. All our Products are realized with Natural Wood using latest Technology to ensure best Performance & Quality.

We propose a wide choice of Entrance Doors, Interior Doors as well as Windows created in a spirit of innovation and design, classical or traditional. Unlimited possibilities within all offered models but also with possibility to create your own Door according to your choice criteria: exact dimension, architecture of the building, budget, welcoming spirit of the entrance, material, colour…
Your entrance door should be able to match the colour of your shutters, highlight the building’s architectural features, provide individuality to a basic building

Our products are being exported to European countries, including  Germany, Great Britain, France and Scandinavian Countries.
We are combining comfort, design, security, thermal and acoustic performance

To get additional information or a price estimation please send us an email or please give a call
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